Cherri Jeong
Studying architecture, I find myself more attracted to the conceptual theories and the visual representation than the details. But buildings as concepts and without details are incomplete. Thankfully, working at ELS reminds me that architecture should be about the built environment and encourages me to understand the details, the essence of building things.
UC Berkeley, BA in Architecture
started at ELS
Favorite Meal
Any breakfast menu with eggs in it
Spare Time
Going grocery shopping and making a good, satisfying meal with fresh ingredients
Dream Vacation
Favorite Music
Radiohead. I became a huge fan in high school. Since then I’ve had couple opportunities to go see Thom Yorke live, but I didn’t. It’s like wanting to see him live so badly but at the same time never wanting to see him live, if you know what that feels like. I’ll forever be a fan regardless.
Favorite Movie
Hong Kong films from the 1990s—Wong Kar-wai and Stephen Chow
Design Inspirations
Valerio Olgiati and the subtlety in his spatial complexity.